
NCSAM 2018 is here! What to expect from ZeroFox this month

by ZeroFox Team
NCSAM 2018 is here! What to expect from ZeroFox this month
4 minute read

Today marks the first day of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). Started 15 years ago as a collaborative by the Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, NCSAM is dedicated to educating and building awareness of the risks that exist online that impact individuals, groups, brands and businesses on a daily basis. Here at ZeroFox, we’ll be focusing on generating awareness of a range of social media and digital risks. Each week, we’ll be delivering new content and resources to help you deal with the unique cybersecurity challenges that social media and other digital platforms generate. So subscribe to the blog, follow along on social and get ready for what’s sure to be a great month.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come…

NCSAM Week 1 - Make Your Home a Haven for Online Safety

Welcome to week 1! The first week of NCSAM is all about individual protection online. Human error remains the greatest cybersecurity risk today. Understanding cybersecurity threats, from phishing scams to fraudulent accounts and brand impersonations, is crucial to your ability to stay safe online.

This week we’ll be focusing on the biggest risks facing individual social media users. From misinformation to account hacking, you’ll learn how to identify cyber threats on social and how to prevent against them. Want to get a head start? Get a free copy of our “Social Media Protection for Dummies” book to read up on the basics of how to protect yourself on social media.

NCSAM Week 2 - Millions of Rewarding Jobs: Educating for a Career in Cybersecurity

Week 2 is all about jobs. If you’re reading this, you probably know this already: the cybersecurity job market is growing larger and larger every day. There are now significantly more cybersecurity jobs than there are qualified people to fill those jobs. How do you find the right candidates and stay competitive?

At ZeroFox, week 2 will be focused on identifying and investing in previously missed or overlooked talent. This means investing in education- and early education at that. From states developing cybersecurity programs in K-12 schools to nonprofits and community organizations investing in educating young girls, governments and businesses alike are looking for innovative and proactive ways to acquire new talent. Organizations are also investing in training internal staff that do not possess typical cybersecurity backgrounds. In preparation for this week, take a look at our blog, ”How to Build a Social Media Protection Program.” It includes tips on training staff and establishing roles and responsibilities.

NCSAM Week 3 - It’s Everyone’s Job to Ensure Online Safety at Work

Week 3 is focused on cybersecurity being everyone’s job. When it comes to brand reputation, it is easy to assume that marketing serves as the external face of the company, when in reality any employee that can be tied back to your organization offers an opportunity, and a risk!, to your brand and business.

Brand integrity is an essential component of social media protection, so we’ll be spending this week focusing on how you can ensure your brand is protected from reputational damage in the form of impersonating accounts, account hijacking, slander and unauthorized content. In the meantime, check out this white paper on the top brand impersonation tactics (hint: targeting your employees is high on the list!).

NCSAM Week 4 - Safeguarding the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure

The last week of NCSAM is dedicated to protecting critical infrastructure from potential cyber attacks. This topic is particularly relevant as we continue to see an uptick in hacking attempts, particularly those targeting government entities.

We’ll be spending the week talking about the upcoming midterm elections. With fake news and misinformation at an alltime high on social media, it can be difficult to know what’s real and what’s fake. We’ll provide you with tips for identifying false information and bad actors on social media so you can make informed decisions when election time comes. Before then, read this piece we created a while back about another time the government was hacked.

#NCSAM In Summary

We’re gearing up for a great month of informative and actionable content to help keep you and your business safe from growing social media and digital risks. Want to add to the conversation? Share our posts and tweet us using the hashtag #NCSAM. Happy National Cybersecurity Awareness Month everyone, stay safe and stay aware on social!

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