
Physical Security Intelligence: Applying Digital Risk Protection to the Physical Security World

Physical Security Intelligence: Applying Digital Risk Protection to the Physical Security World
3 minute read

Maintaining the physical safety of our people - our families, citizens, guests, employees, customers - has always been paramount to any organization.  Events like natural disasters, violence, and civil disruption come on suddenly and can threaten the safety of those we protect. And, the issues are getting more frequent and severe.

Severe weather and natural disasters seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity - fires in the west, hurricanes and flooding in the east and south. Political unrest peaked in the 2020 pandemic and elections; it has settled into a higher plateau as civic discourse has become decidedly less civil from the halls of the US Congress to local school board meetings. Mass shootings are still far too common, even as social media has been weaponized with content overload of propaganda that accentuates our divisions. The environment - the context - in which we try to protect our people, is more challenging than ever;  yet the source of content overload also provides a path to get the critical information needed to protect our people.

The Convergence of Physical Security Incidents and Digital Platforms

Today, events that threaten the public safety are reported on by the citizenry at large. Through social media and other public channels, insights are Grammed, Snapped, Facebooked, and Tweeted in real time.  Hundreds of millions of people, and billions of accounts, document these events. Yet there is the second challenge - how can security personnel, law enforcement and public safety officials track all the right channels, vet all the right sources, correlate, validate and locate the key impact areas that help us understand the threat and risk? Simply put, they can't. We can.

The ZeroFox Difference: Leveraging Platform and Expert Analysts for Timely Alerts to Physical Security Events

ZeroFox grew up analyzing massive amounts of content  on social networks, in public forums, code repositories, web sites -  millions of information sources (and billions of content pieces!) - in order to identify impersonations and malicious attacks deployed in public internet channels, and have them taken down. We built an AI-driven platform to detect attacks in new domain registrations, social networks, code repos, and millions of other places; we developed a deep network of expert intelligence analysts operating in three 24x7 global SOCs to validate threats and escalate threats. And now we've taken a focus on public safety.

ZeroFox Physical Security Intelligence

Our new Physical Security Intelligence service provides real time intelligence on events that threaten public safety of your people and worksites. Our sources are public - and multitudinous. But it's more about what we do with the raw intelligence that sets us apart. We have a specialized physical security operations center (PSOC) within our 24x7 SOC operations focused solely on correlating, validating, and locating physical security alerts, so that we can give our customers the timely insight they need to plan and enact measures that keep people safe. The service has been operating - at scale - in partnership with a major US Federal law enforcement organization. Now, we are making it available more broadly to government and commercial customers.

So if you need timely intelligence to protect the physical safety of workers, customers, and citizens - call us. And, though events can make the physical world suddenly dangerous, the digital world  is fraught with constant dangers. Every week, thousands of new attacks are launched  in social media and public internet channels; stolen information and attack tools are  trafficked in the Dark Web. ZeroFox, a new innovator in the Physical Security Intelligence world, is the recognized leading innovator in Digital Risk Protection and Dark Web Monitoring. So no matter where the threats come from in the world outside, ZeroFox is here to protect you.

See ZeroFox in action