
Attack Surface Management Solution

Outsmart adversaries by proactively neutralizing potential targets of opportunity before they can be exploited.

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Attack Surface Management Solution

What is ZeroFox External Attack Surface Management?

Digital transformation, hybrid work, and complex software supply chains have all led to an unprecedented expansion of unknown and unmanaged cyber assets, systems, and exposures across the external attack surface. With ZeroFox Attack Surface Management, proactively remove threat actors’ targets of opportunity through full-spectrum discovery and enumeration of internet-facing assets, including subdomains, IP addresses, software, security certificates, Shadow IT, and more. Performing continuous correlation and analysis of exposures with actionable alerting and reporting enables the rapid prioritization of remediation decisions.

Why is ZeroFox External Attack Surface Management Important?

Last year, 83% of cyber attacks emerged outside traditional security perimeters. Traditional, often internally-focused security defenses do not detect adversaries taking advantage of exposed internet-facing assets, which is leading to increasing frequency and impact of attacks. ZeroFox Attack Surface Management protects your external attack surface by identifying subdomains, IP addresses, software, security certificates, Shadow IT, and more to streamline the correlation and investigation of exposures for your known, unknown, and unmanaged assets exposed to the internet.

Why External Attack Surface Management?

Security teams are stretched thin, constantly responding to security incidents and alerts, leaving assets exposed and ripe for attacker exploitation.


Vulnerabilities reported in 2023, up by 12% from 2022.


Firms that have been attacked through an unknown, unmanaged, or poorly managed internet-facing asset.


Median time it takes for an adversary to move laterally once compromised.

Key Benefits of ZeroFox Attack Surface Management

Immediate Time to Value

Be up and running in hours with simple onboarding and rapid configuration to achieve value at machine-speed.

Comprehensive Awareness

Visualize your entire digital footprint with high-fidelity visibility.

Actionable Insights

Prioritize risk by categorizing internet-facing cyber assets by risk level and exposure type.

Operational Assurance

Automate ongoing discovery, monitoring, and management to hone in on the most critical, time-sensitive exposures.

Key Benefits of ZeroFox Attack Surface Management

Protect Your Attack Surface

Simple SaaS Delivery

Deployed by an agentless, cloud-native solution without any on-premises installation and minimal configuration.

Active Discovery

Automatic, non-intrusive, and passive discovery of internet-facing assets uncovering known and unknown assets on your external attack surface.

Asset Summary

An exhaustive and accurate data set of your external attack surface.

Intuitive Dashboard

A centralized view of your external attack surface with clear risk scoring to focus efforts and support security team workflows.

Protect Your Attack Surface

Contextualize Your Exposure Risk

Asset Monitoring

Built on advanced reconnaissance techniques, ZeroFox continuously monitors exposures correlated to your assets, including encryption certificate monitoring, expiration, the certificate chain, TLS protocols and issuers, and more.

Extensive Exposures Monitoring

Continuously correlate our risk database, including Common Vulnerability Scoring (CVSS), Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), CISA KEV, and Expired Security Certificates, creating enriched contextualization of the issues as soon as they are discovered.

Attribute Risk

Powerful labeling and clear asset context helps identify assets by risk level, exposure type, and other attributes.

Contextualize Your Exposure Risk

Explore for Shadow IT

Proactive Search for Emerging Threats

Leveraging your Zerofox attack surface inventory, you can quickly look for any software related to emerging threat publication and identify assets affected.

Explore Shadow IT

Enable powerful searches to reveal unknown or forgotten assets linked to your domains and IP ranges, uncovering exposed systems before attackers do.

Customizable Alerting and Reporting

Enable full customization, actionable alerting, and reporting to identify and filter security priorities for your security posture improvements.

Explore for Shadow IT

Perform full reconnaissance of your internet-facing infrastructure and compile an easy to navigate inventory.

See why the future of attack surface management requires a converged external cybersecurity platform.


Frequently asked questions

External Attack Surface Management is a tool that enables the continuous discovery, monitoring, evaluation, and prioritization of attack vectors of an organization’s external attack surface. The solution, built by the pioneers of External Attack Surface Management, acts as a central point of insight, augmenting various aspects of your exposure management program.


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