
Next-Gen Takedowns

The undisputed leader in removing  threats quickly and at scale from social media, mobile app stores, marketplaces, and risky domains – with automated takedown submissions and in-house takedown experts.

Next-Gen Takedowns

What are takedowns?

Takedowns are the formal process of removing sites, profiles, and content that violate a network provider’s terms of service. Takedowns are often considered a security organization’s most effective weapon against fraud and scams, spoofing and impersonations, and other forms of brand and IP abuse. ZeroFox combines efficient platform automation with the expertise of in-house takedown analysts to process, pursue, and remove malicious, violating, and infringing content, such as malicious domains, fake social media profiles, fraudulent marketplace listings, and rogue mobile apps.

Why takedowns matter

As phishing, impersonations, and social engineering continue to target businesses of all sizes, security teams must be able to rapidly take down content that harms their brands and executives, while having complete visibility throughout the entire takedown process. Offering automated request processing and complete visibility and transparency every step of the way, ZeroFox provides the comprehensiveness, speed, and scale to fight back against malicious content of all types — which is why Forrester named ZeroFox best-in-class for takedowns.

Why the world’s best brands trust ZeroFox for takedowns


successful takedowns executed yearly


success rate for Exec/VIP, brand, and domain takedowns

patents held, enabling a world class takedown experience

How ZeroFox rapidly takes down threats at scale
ZeroFox takes down attacker infrastructure and in-motion attacks with machine-speed at global scale. We natively cover the most comprehensive set of takedown threat scenarios, including social media posts, malicious domains, fake mobile apps, marketplace listings, leaked IP, and more. We’ve also built a proprietary Global Disruption Network with more than 50 partners, including Google Cloud, enabling the blocking of phishing and malware-related content across billions of devices in as little as 15 minutes.


  • Malicious domains and URLs
  • Impersonating social media accounts
  • Fraudulent mobile apps and marketplace listings
  • Infringing content and more


  • Submissions automatically tagged for disruption and takedown and sent to partners when appropriate
  • Automated, proactive blocking actions
  • Distribution of threat intel to common security black lists


  • Removal of attacker infrastructure
  • Total dashboard visibility over the entire takedown process
  • Transparent reporting, tracking, and status updates

Social Media Takedowns


Detect and remove brand, executive, and customer threats

Quickly identify and take down social media threats, such as impersonating accounts, fraud, scams, infringing content, harassment, and more

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Stop the Proliferation of Phishing

Monitor and remove accounts posting phishing URLs to disrupt wide-scale attack campaigns to keep customers safe.


Gain wide depth and breadth of network coverage

Automate requests and pursue takedowns of violating content across the most widely used global social media networks such as X (Twitter), Meta,, YouTube, LinkedIn, Telegram, TikTok, and more.

Social Media Takedowns

Domain Takedowns

Alert on domain threats and quickly take down malicious domains engaging in phishing, malware, and trademark abuse and stop instances of typosquatting and homoglyph tactics.
Domain Takedowns

Take Action Against Domain Squatters with ZeroFox’s UDRP Solution.

Have a domain dispute that is not takedown eligible but clearly infringes on your brand’s owned trademarks? ZeroFox maintains a 100% success rate working with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on your behalf to assess and file Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) complaints so you can effectively claim ownership and/or remove cybersquat domains.

Want to learn more?

Comprehensive takedown use cases

Social Media

Brand Impersonations & Misuse of IP

  • Accounts/pages that misappropriate protected brand names
  • Misappropriating brand logos/Images

Executive/VIP Impersonations

  • Accounts/pages that use impersonating names and pictures relating to an executive/VIP
  • No clear disclosure that it's not a fan or parody account/page

Counterfeiting & Piracy

  • Accounts/posts sharing images, names, or calls to action for unauthorized sale of counterfeit goods
  • Accounts/posts illegally hosting or distributing copyrighted digital content

Fraud & Scams

  • Accounts/posts targeting employees and/or customers with fraudulent information or calls to action with the intent to defraud, deceive or cause harm to users
  • Examples include: money flipping, fake coupons, etc.

Violence, Harassment Misinformation

  • Accounts/posts with targeted abuse or threats of harm toward an individual, brand, or public figure
Web Domains

Phishing Domains

  • Live, hosting malicious content
  • Impersonating domain or subdomain of a legitimate name
  • Using branded content (ie. logos, website code, etc.)
  • Often includes form or call to action

Phishing Email Addresses

  • Email addresses used to send phishing emails
  • May be private domain or public ISP

IP Infringement

  • Live, hosting content that abuses IP or copyrighted material
  • Impersonating protected domain name/ branded content

Why timely takedowns are your most important weapon.


Increase in social media phishing attacks


growth in phishing attacks annually


lost to online scams in FY23

Frequently asked questions

A takedown is the process of removing sites, files and content that violates a host or network’s terms of service (TOS). This is typically achieved when a complainant reports the violation with evidence to the host or network (such as a social media provider or domain registrar) and formally requests its removal or suspension. Every takedown request must adhere to specific guidelines and processes that are unique to the network provider’s own policies. Once a takedown request has been reviewed and accepted by the network provider, the violating content is removed from the internet.


See ZeroFox in action