
Threat Intelligence Feeds

Unique ZeroFox Threat Intelligence, delivered to your platform of choice.

Stay one step ahead of the attacker

Improve the signal-to-noise ratio with ZeroFox’s Threat Intelligence Feeds, adding exclusive context to expedite decision making and automate protection.



Extensive data sets deliver all the relevant intelligence to the security team for deep analysis, from unique historical data to the latest dark web research from our embedded operatives.



Proprietary intelligence feeds provide unparalleled visibility into malicious infrastructure and exploits to illuminate attacks before they’re launched and prioritize security response.



Direct machine-to-machine access to raw and regularly updated ZeroFox intelligence delivers easy-to-consume threat data, speeding decisions and automating mitigation when every second counts.

Purpose-built Intelligence Feeds to Defend Against Real-World Threats

Protect Against
  • Account Compromise
  • Customer Fraud
  • PII exposures
What's Included
  • Botnet (Compromised Credentials)

  • Phone Numbers

  • Email Addresses


  • Compromised Credentials

  • Credit Cards

  • Breach Info

Integrate With
  • Active Directory

  • SSO

  • IAM

  • ID Protection

  • Account Database

  • Fraud Management

How it Works

Each day, billions of pieces of raw intelligence from social media sites, mobile app stores, code shares, and forums (to name a few) are continually analyzed by our platform. Our experts then validate findings and group this intelligence into actionable, context-driven data feeds to enable automated protection from threats, saving you time and resources.

Frequently asked questions

ZeroFox’s Identity and Fraud Intelligence Feeds contain billions of compromised credentials, stolen credit card account numbers, botnet stealer data, breach occurrence descriptions, and other critical information that adds depth to your threat hunting and analytics data lake.
Daily Intelligence Brief

Daily Intelligence Brief

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