
Asia Regional Assessment

Get an in-depth look at key threats and findings impacting trade and manufacturing in Asia

In this assessment, you’ll learn:

  • Key threats affecting trade and manufacturing
  • Important findings on the impacts of geopolitical players and threat actors
  • The broader geopolitical context, including politics and cybersecurity
  • And more

China has been the premier emerging market for decades, playing a key role as a commodities consumer for poorer export-dependent nations while also producing cheap and reliable products for Western consumers. However, companies are increasingly being asked to make business decisions based on geopolitical concerns rather than market dynamics. Many companies have concluded that this means finding expensive alternative supply chains that do not include China. Companies remaining in China will face added regulatory hurdles, while those dependent on Chinese purchases will likely see reduced sales. Even those with no obvious trading relationship will be impacted by China going through a multifaceted economic crisis, which is affecting all of its business relationships.

For Western allies like Australia and New Zealand, the geopolitical challenge will be managing interactions with their largest trading partner, China, and the United States, which they rely on to project security. This extends to cybersecurity, where the presence of a growing number of large corporations will entice threat actors. In the last year, Australia has shown the region is ill prepared to handle the onslaught of cybercrime. Starting in the fall of 2022, Australia experienced a slew of cyberattacks across industry verticals. Any new industries moving to the region should ensure they invest in adequate cyber protections alongside their other business investments.

Read the full Asia Regional Assessment to learn more.

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