Executive Protection: Changing Threat Landscape

Protecting company executives extends beyond physical security.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • Details about this growing online threat to high-profile individuals.
  • Three pillars of effective executive protection
  • How an executive protection strategy rooted in external cybersecurity benefits organizations.
  • And more

Download the Report

Executive protection is about more than physical security. Threat actors leverage easy-to-find data about your executives to gain access to and exploit information about them and your organization. As individual information proliferates the external attack surface, adversaries are taking advantage. Securing executive information not only protects your people but also prevents malicious actors from using their information as a gateway into your organization. Safeguarding your brand and your people requires a thorough understanding about executive protection in the digital age and how to create an effective, holistic security strategy.

Download our Executive Protection: Changing Threat Landscape report to address risks adversaries present to your leaders and overall business.

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